Its been two weeks since the sale of our Genesis NFT holders, and many users are asking about the benefits of holding a Genesis NFT. With the launch of our marketplace coming up very soon, We have prepared a brief summary for our community of the benefits you can expect by holding a Xverse Genesis NFT.
First, we have planned at least 5 valuable benefits for our Xverse Genesis NFT holders, that we believe will truly reward our early supporters, and also benefit our users in the long run.
Instead of naming each benefit at once, we will be announcing the benefits separately, leading up to the launch of our Marketplace.
Genesis Benefit #1:
Guaranteed Allocation of ALL* future MyPick NFT collections.
Yes you read that correctly. During our Genesis NFT sale whitelist, we received over 30,000 applications from over 150+ countries. Only 500 users were selected to purchased the Genesis NFT, and a few lucky community members were able to obtain a Genesis NFT during the Public Sale.
Going forward, for ALL* future MyPick NFT collections, including any future generations of our MyBrick avatars, pets, and other special collections we have prepared.
We will set aside 500 NFTs from each collection, and allow ALL Genesis NFT holders to purchase an NFT without having to worry about other users. Simply holding a Genesis NFT, gives you Guaranteed Whitelist access, and the ability to purchase an NFT if you wish to do so.

*:Does not including limited edition collections, special collaborations, and non-public collections
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This is just the first of many benefits that we have planned for our Genesis NFT holders.
If you think this is great….
We can’t wait to share the remaining benefits with you…. We’re just getting started :)
Heres a hint:

XVERSE is the #1 mobile VR-AR software and metaverse blockchain corporation. Backed by our Partners including, Animoca Brands, Vestigium, GBV, x21, and more, Our mission is to build the most content-rich, easy-development, cost-effective, and accessible VR AR platform based on blockchain technology.
Learn More:
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